How To Keep A Positive Attitude

Having a negative attitude keeps us from being happy and has a negative effect on the people we mix with (they tend to avoid us!). But being a positive person is like having an internal magnet – you draw people to you and people like being around you. Plus it’s contagious – your positive energy can make other people feel positive about themselves and the world around them.

So how do you be more positive? We are creatures of habit, and if we constantly do the things that can make us more positive, we will become more positive. And it can make you, and everyone that you come into contact with, happier.

Here are 10 tips:


1. Be Grateful

You may not have all that you want, but while you’re hoping for more, be grateful for what you have no matter what the circumstances may be. A grateful attitude will attract positive things.


2. Be Expectant

Confidently expect good things to happen to you. Don’t expect the worse, hope for the best!


3. Watch Your Words

Don’t say ‘I can’t’. Instead speak positive words to yourself because your words can frame your world, and with the right backing, there’s nothing you cannot do! (and if anyone speaks negative words to you, rebut them).


4. Think Happy Thoughts & Visualise

In your mind’s eye see yourself achieving that thing, getting that A, and living your dreams – it’s the first step to making it a reality.


5. Spend Time With Positive People

Remember, positivity is contagious!


6. See The Good In Every Situation

Every cloud has a silver lining. Instead of worrying, believe that all things that happen to you – good and bad, will work together into a grand and perfect plan.


7. Eat Healthily

Exercise frequently and breathe deeply.


8. Encourage Others, And Yourself!

If you’re feeling a bit fragile, encouraging someone else will not only make them feel better, it will make you feel better too!


9. See Problems As Challenges To Overcome & Make Yourself Better

They will help build and develop your strong and sturdy character.


10. Don’t Take Rejection Or Failure Personally

Thomas Edison failed over 10,000 times before he could get a lightbulb to glow. At the time he said ‘I never failed, I just found 10,000 ways that wouldn’t work.’ And re rejection – there will always be someone who doesn’t like you, but don’t worry about them, instead focus on the ones who do like and appreciate you!

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