The Food Without Trans Fats Campaign


Partially hydrogenated oils that contain Trans fats are banned in many countries but not the UK. It’s time that they were. The Food WTF campaign highlights the dangers and increases awareness of consuming Trans fats.

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A group of boys from Queen Elizabeth’s School started the campaign, and with support from Yinka Thomas and their Head of Year Rosie Hall, they’re making an impact.

This is why you should join the campaign:

  • Lasting change comes from the ground up and your views will taken directly to MPs, local councillors and other decision makers to have a lasting impact on policy. The Food WTF team were invited to Whitehall to put their case to the Head of the Government’s Obesity Policy Unit, Richard Sangster last summer.

  • It gives you a sense of empowerment – you can create positive changes in the world.

  • Awareness of Trans fats, or a ban will improve the health of many young people, who are unknowingly consuming Trans fats after school

  • It will give you a voice!

If you are interested, please contact your Head of Year who will take it from there.

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