What Is Mental Health?


We hear a lot about our mental health but what exactly is it?

By Denise Brown, Founder of 4 Young Minds

Mental health is exactly what it says on the tin – the health of our mental state, or our mind. It is the way we think, feel and act in response to the things that happen around us. It is common for young people to experience mental health difficulties, especially in the time of Coronavirus when our lives have been so disrupted. This is because so much change happens in and just before our teen years. In fact, did you know that 75% of diagnosed mental health conditions develop before age 18?

If you begin to experience periods of low mood or anxiety that get in the way of you enjoying life, you may be struggling with your mental health. Understanding mental health can be confusing, but there are ways to look after your wellbeing to prevent and even recover from mental illness.

Mental Health Is NOT Mental Illness.

Normally, when you hear the term ‘mental health’, we think about conditions such as anxiety and depression. However, these are examples of when someone is struggling with their mental health, or experiencing mental illness. You may come across other terms such as mental health problems, conditions or disorders.

It’s important to remember that mental health is not just the absence of mental illness. The same way that not having a physical illness does not necessarily mean that a person is ‘healthy’. Having a healthy mind allows you to cope well during change and challenges, build positive relationships with others and feel positive about your future.

It’s Okay To Not Be Okay

All of us will struggle with our mental health from time to time. It’s a normal response to difficult times and it is nothing to be ashamed about. It may be that you are struggling to sleep, or you may be feeling down or anxious for longer periods of time than you are used to.

If you weren’t feeling well, you normally wouldn’t think twice about speaking to your doctor. It should be no different with your mental health – if you’re not feeling well, it is okay, and very wise to seek help.

Take Care Of Yourself

We ALL have mental health, in exactly the same way that we have physical health. The same way we can look after our bodies to avoid getting sick, we can look after our minds to prevent mental illness, too. Practicing self-care by listening to your favourite music, writing down your feelings and talking to someone when you are struggling are just some of the ways you can look after your mental health.

Your mental health – the way you think, feel and act – will have its ups and downs as you go through life. You won’t always be in control of the things that happen around you, but you can control how you manage and respond to difficult times by looking after your wellbeing.

If you are ever struggling or you just don’t feel like yourself, speak to someone you trust. With the help of peer and professional support and services, and a strong social support network, mental health conditions can get better.

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