Why Should I Eat Fruit & Vegetables?



Eating fruit and vegetables daily has been proven to provide health benefits. This is because they are high in three groups of nutrients: (i) vitamins (ii) minerals and (iii) phytonutrients (phyto = plant, nutrients = nutrients).

We know what vitamins and minerals are, and phytonutrients are groups of chemicals that protect the plant as it’s growing, and in turn protects our bodies when we eat the plants.

Examples of vitamins are:

Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and 12, C, D, E and K.

Examples of minerals are:

Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Copper, Selenium, Silica and Magnesium.

Examples of phytonutrients are:

  • Carotenoids – found in orange, yellow and red veg and fruit like carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squashes and papayas.

  • Flavonoids – the largest group of phytochemical (there are over 6000 flavonoids) and they are found in almost all fruit and veg.

  • Lignans – found in seeds such as flaxseeds and sesame seeds, but also in kale, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

People who eat more vegetables have a healthier immune system and are less likely to get sick, are less likely to be overweight or obese, are less likely to develop cancer, are less likely to develop heart disease, and are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s line of defence against the microbes – viruses, bacteria and fungi that try to invade your body and build a colony, rendering you sick and poorly. Boosting your immune system with a healthy lifestyle means fewer illnesses.

Eating vegetables and fruit are the building blocks to a strong and robust immune system, and the more colourful, the more immune-boosting nutrients that they contain.

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The primary nutrients vital for growth are amino acids found in protein foods such as meat, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, beans, lentils, chickpeas and nuts. However there’s an important supporting cast of nutrients found in vegetables and fruit that are also vital for growth, including vitamins D and K, and calcium – essential for strengthening bones and teeth.

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Your body’s best energy source is from starchy carbohydrates like rice, wholegrain bread and pasta, potatoes and oats, but vegetables are also a great source of energy. Beans, chick peas and lentils are not only one of your 5-a-day but also contain protein and fibre, and other vegetables and fruit are great sources of energy. And the B vitamins found in these foods are essential for helping your body convert food into energy.

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Vegetables and fruit contain many of the nutrients necessary for healthy hair – many of the B vitamins, iron and silica – found in green leafy veg, avocados and lentils are important, but it’s important to make a habit of getting your 5-a-day to ensure that your hair grows healthily and looks as good as possible.

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Eating veg and fruit is essential for great skin. Top of the list? Most of them, but if I were to pick out a few skin superstars, I’d choose those high in vitamin C, so citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, broccoli, strawberries, blueberries, spinach and other leafy greens, apples and sweet potatoes.

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Nails are made of protein so protein foods are important for healthy strong nails, but there are also some vitamins and minerals that are essential too. Vitamin C is important, so are the B vitamins, and minerals like zinc and silica are also important. And the best way to ensure you get all these nutrients? Eat lots of veg and fruit.

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They Make Great Snacks

One of the best things about veg and fruit is that they make such tasty snacks. And they’re inexpensive. So get into the habit of having the healthiest of snacks by swapping your Krispy Kreme doughnut (no nutrients) for a banana (loads of nutrients), your cookie (no nutrients) for a handful of blueberries (mega nutrients), and your chocolate snack bar (no nutrients) for some strawberries (an abundance of nutrients).

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Vegetables and fruits provide the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are absolutely vital not just for health but for life. They will help stock up your health bank account which you can draw on when you’re older, so if you don’t already love them, learn to love them!